Workshops introduced children to the story of Noye’s Fludde and related it to issues of climate breakdown in today’s society. At the end of each session, children were asked to write a letter to their Headteacher or local MP, explaining what they’d learnt and asking for help in stopping the impending flood.
These letters formed the basis of the redrafted hymn texts below, adapted by Marina McCready.
Hear this listen to me
Hear this, listen to me
Our precious world could end
The burning earth, the rising sea
What’s broken, we must mend.
Hear this, listen to me
Give all the help you can
Save earth’s dear creatures, set them free
Care for your fellow man.
Hear this, listen to me
Alone, we’re not enough;
But work together as a team
No storm will be too tough.
Hear this, listen to me
That, when the flood is past
We may a healthy planet see
And live in joy at last.
Small drizzles of the rain
Small drizzles of the rain so soon
Turned into thunder, lightning, doom
And as a virus it shall spread
Thousands of innocent lives dead
O hear us when we cry to thee
For those in peril on the sea.
Through winds and waves our boat is tossed
We mourn our homes and all we’ve lost
We hope somehow we’ll make it through
So tell me now: what will you do?
O hear us when we cry to thee
For those in peril on the sea.
With all your help we can stay safe
And rise above the rising wave
The rain and thunder fin’lly cease
And give to all the planet peace
O hear us when we cry to thee
For those in peril on the sea.
Look after pimlico our home
Look after Pimlico, our home
A place that we can call our own
A caring, kind community
We live and learn in unity.
Look after buses, tubes and rail
Churchill Gardens, Chippendale
The Tate Britain, the groc’ry stores
The river Thames’ gentle shores.
Look after schools in Pimlico
That teach us all we need to know
There’s art to make and sport to play
And dear friends to see ev’ryday.
Look after neighbours, families
The flowers, animals and trees
All creatures young, old, big and small
Care for each other one and all.
Look after Earth and all it gives:
Our food, our home, the lives we live.
It keeps us safe, it keeps us warm
We must protect it from the storm.
Look after Pimlico, our home
A place that we can call our own
A caring, kind community
We live and learn in unity.
original texts
Lord Jesus think on me
Lord Jesus, think on me,
And purge away my sin;
From earthborn passions set me free,
And make me pure within.
Lord Jesus, think on me,
Nor let me go astray;
Through darkness and perplexity
Point thou the heavenly way.
Lord Jesus, think on me,
When flows the tempest high:
When on doth rush the enemy
O Saviour, be thou nigh.
Lord Jesus, think on me,
That, when the flood is past,
I may eternal brightness see,
And share thy joy at last.
eternal father, strong to save
Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm doth bind the restless wave,
Who bidd’st the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep:
O hear us when we cry to thee
For those in peril on the sea.
O Saviour, whose almighty word
The winds and waves submissive heard,
Who walkedst on the foaming deep,
And calm amidst its rage didst sleep:
O hear us when we cry to thee
For those in peril on the sea.
O Sacred Spirit, who didst brood
Upon the chaos dark and rude,
Who bad’st its angry tumult cease,
And gavest light and life and peace:
O hear us when we cry to thee
For those in peril on the sea.
The Spacious Firmament on High
The spacious firmament on high
With all the blue ethereal sky
And spangled heavens, a shining frame.
Their great original proclaim.
Th’ unwearied sun from day to day
Doth his Creator’s power display,
And publishes to every land
The works of an almighty hand.
Soon as the evening shades prevail
The moon takes up the wondrous tale,
And nightly to the listening earth
Repeates the story of her birth.
Whilst all the stars that round her burn,
And all the planets in their turn
Confirm the tidings, as they roll,
And spread the truth from pole to pole.
What though in solemn silence all
Move round the dark terrestrial ball.
What though nor real voice nor sound
Amid their radiant orbs be found.
In reason’s ear they all rejoice.
And utter forth a glorious voice;
For ever singing as they shine,
‘The hand that made us is Divine.’